CS 506 (Computer Systems and Concepts) |
3 Class Hours per Week |
3 |
M. Mano, Computer
System Architecture, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall, 1993. A. McHoes and I. Flynn, Understanding Operating
Systems, 7th edition, Cengage Learning/Course Technology/, 2014,
ISBN- 13: 9781285096551 |
Internet Computer Magazines and Journals |
Fall 2015 |
Dr. A. Joseph |
Description: This course provides an integrated survey of
fundamental ideas in the areas of computer architecture, operating system, and
programming language specification and translation.
Dr. A. Joseph
163 Williams St., 2nd floor, Room 231
Telephone: |
212 346 1492 |
Email: |
Office Hours: |
Monday (NYC) 11:00 am – 4:00 am |
Final examination:
In-class examinations (5 -- 20 minutes exams): |
36% [best 3
of 4] |
Homework: |
Class Preparation and participation |
8% |
Projects and project presentation: |
16% (6% for presentation) |
Extra credit (optional): Note: All students who want to improve their grade
to a sufficiently high level. This assignment may be a project. It is not
intended to be a substitute for any regular class assignment. |
10% (Due by week 12 and no later) |
Above 92%
90% -- 92% |
A- |
85% -- 89% |
B+ |
80% -- 84% |
B |
75% -- 79% |
B- |
65% --74% |
C |
Below 65% |
F |
Note: Grades are computed to the nearest whole number. |
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
A student in this Computer Systems and Concepts course
will achieve the following objectives and corresponding outcomes:
Objective #1
Students will acquire sound knowledge in the key
principles and practices used in the design and analysis of a digital computer
Outcomes #1
1a. Demonstrate an understanding of the basic building
blocks of the functional units of a digital computer system.
1b. Use truth tables and algebraic expressions to describe
the functions of simple combinational circuits, design circuits from these
descriptions, design basic sequential circuits from truth tables, and analyze
related combinational and sequential circuits,
1c. Demonstrate the ability to explain and able to discuss
the relative utility of signed-magnitude and two’s complement representation of
negative integers from the point-of-view of a digital computing device.
1d. Explain the steps involve in the design of a basic
digital computer system.
Objective #2
Students will understand the differences among the
main types programming languages relative to their effect on a digital computer
processing speed; relationships between the types of programming languages from
a user perspective; and tradeoffs between hardware and software in digital
systems design and implementation; as well as develop the analytical skills
needed troubleshoot assembly language programs.
Outcomes #2
2a. Demonstrate through descriptions, discussions, and/or
illustrations an understanding of the purpose of an assembly language, its
programming objectives, and its relationship to machine language and high-level
2b. Understand and be able to explain the concepts of
assembly language directives, operators, macros, and program structure
2c. Demonstrate the ability to analyze assembly language
programs and to translate simple high-level language programs into
corresponding assembly language programs.
2d. Discuss the issues involved in hardware or software
implementation of an instruction in a digital computer instruction set.
2e. Understand and be able to distinguish between logical
and physical memory addresses and data storage.
2f. Demonstrate the ability to discuss, with appropriate
illustrations, the concepts of subroutine calls and interrupts at the assembly
language level.
Objective #3
Understand and can explain the concepts relating to
different operating systems, process, threads, concurrency, paging,
segmentation, memory allocation, scheduling, and system design tradeoffs..
Outcomes #3
3a. Describe the basic role of the operating system.
3b. Identify the differences between the batch,
interactive, real-time, hybrid, and embedded operating systems.
3c. Identify the basic functionality of the three memory
allocation schemes.
3d. Identify the paged, demand paging, segmented, and
segmented/demand paged allocation schemes.
3e. Identify the difference between job scheduling and
process scheduling.
3f. Identify deadlock, starvations, and race.
3g. Demonstrate the ability to discuss the tradeoffs
inherent in operating system design and able to identify potential threats and
their safeguards in designed systems.
3h. Identify the differences between sequential and direct
access media.
Solve problems
involving process control, mutual exclusion, deadlock and synchronization
Objective #4
Objective #4
Develop team-building, social, and organizational skills
that they can further develop in other classes and in their professional
Outcomes #4
4a. Demonstrate an ability to work effectively in teams.
4b. Demonstrate the ability for effective oral and written
Academic Integrity: Please visit to review Seidenberg Academic Integrity Policy. It is
very important that you read and familiarize yourself with Seidenberg CSIS statement
of academic integrity.
Examination Schedule:
Course Section |
Examinations |
Projects Presentation & Submission |
Final Examination |
CS 506 (CRN: 71652) |
10/6; 10/27; 11/17; & 12/8/2015 |
December 01, 2015 |
December 15, 2015 |
Course Section |
Day, Time, and
Location of Class Meetings |
First and Last
Day of Class Meetings |
CS 506 (CRN: 71652) |
Tuesday: 6:10pm – 9:00pm; 163 William Street/163WM
1415 |
First class: September 2, 2015 Last class: December 18, 2015 |
Note 1: In general, the
lessons will highlight inquiry-based lecture-discussion and may include
storytelling. The central focus of the course will be critical thinking and
problem-solving. To get the most out of the course, each student is expected to
study the reading assignments and genuinely attempt each homework problem
before coming to class. The idea is to come to class ready with questions about
and ideas relating to the course materials and associated problems.
Note 3: In the interest
of learning, it is very important to
come to class prepared to learn – do all required assignments. Failure to do so
could diminish your ability to get the most out of each lesson and the class.
Remember that learning is action oriented. That is, it is not enough to come to class to listen to what others have to say.
You should come to class prepared to become involve in all aspects of classroom activities because learning is an active process.
Weeks |
Homework Assignments
1-5 |
Digital Logic, Digital Components, and
Data Repesentation: Digital logic circuits (logic gates, Boolean
algebra, combinational circuits, and flip-flops); Digital components
(decoders, multiplexers, registers, counters tri-state switches, buses, and
memory units); and Data representation (data types, 2’s complement,
fixed-point, and floating-point). |
Read: Chap. 1. Prob.: 1, 3-6, 7, 11, 14, 15, and 17. Read: Chap 2. Prob.: 3, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 19-23. Read: Chap. 3. Prob.: 1-5, 7-10, 13, 16-17, 20, and 23. |
5-6 |
Register transfer and microoperations: Register
transfer (language, and bus and memory); microoperations (shift, logic, and
arithmetic); and arithmetic logic shift unit (ALU). |
Read: Chap. 4. Prob.: 1-4, 6-9, 11, 18, 19, 21 and 23. |
7-8 |
Basic computer organization and design: Instruction
codes; timing and control; instruction cycle; computer instructions; computer
registers; instruction cycle; memory reference instructions; input/output and
interrupt; and design of accumulator logic and basic computer. |
Read: Chap. 5. Prob.:1-7, 9-10, 12, and 15-18 |
9 |
Introducing Operating Systems: Introduction to
operating system; Operating System Software; Main
Memory Management; Processor Management; Device Management; File Management; User
Interface; Cooperation Issues; Types of
Operating Systems; Overview of Operating System Functions; Functions of
an Operating System; and Linux Architecture. |
Read chapter 1 Do problems 6, 8, &15.. |
10-11 |
Memory Management: Introduction;
Single-User Contiguous
Scheme; Fixed Partitions; Dynamic Partitions; Best-Fit and First-Fit
Allocation; Deallocation; Relocatable Dynamic Partitions; Paged Memory
Allocation; Demand Paging Memory Allocation; Page Replacement Policies and
Concepts; First-In First-Out; Least Recently Used; The Mechanics of Paging;
Working Set; Advantages and Disadvantages of Demand
Paging; Segmented Memory Allocation;
Segmented/Demand Paged Memory Allocation; and Virtual Memory. |
Read chapters 2 & 3 Do problems 2/6; 3/5, 7, 14 & 15 |
11-12 |
Processor and process management: Introduction; Definitions;
Multi-Core Technologies; Scheduling
Submanagers; Process Scheduler; Job and Process States; Thread States; Control Blocks; Control Blocks and Queuing; Scheduling
Policies; Scheduling Policies; First-Come, First-Served; Shortest Job Next; Priority
Scheduling; Shortest Remaining Time; and Round Robin. |
Read chapters 4 Do problems 4/7& 12. |
12 |
Project presentation and submission: projects
presented to class and submitted. |
13 |
process management and Concurrency: Introduction; Deadlock,
Livelock, and Starvation; Deadlock; Necessary
Conditions for Deadlock or Livelock; Modeling Deadlocks; Strategies for
Handling Deadlocks, Starvation; Parallel Processing; Levels of
Multiprocessing; Multi-Core Processors; Master/Slave
Configuration; Loosely Coupled Configuration; Symmetric Configuration; Process
Synchronization Software; and Process Cooperation. |
Read chapter 6 Do problems 5/17; 6/2, 5, 6, &10 |
14 |
Final examination |
Note 1: This course
is structured around freely formed small collaborative teams in a cooperative
learning environment. Students are encouraged to work together in their
respective teams to form effective and productive teams that share the
learning experience within the context of the course, help each other
overcome learning difficulties, spend time to get to know each other, and
spend time each week to discuss and help one another with the course work
(content and assignments). Each team member is responsible for the completion
and submission of each assignment. Each team member will be individually
graded. |
Note 2: During the
first class session, student background information may be collected to get a
sense of the diversity of student population, educational background, and
learning style. An assessment test may be given to determine students’
prerequisite knowledge of the subject. |
Team project: Students in
small teams of two to four persons will participate in a research project
supported by a technical report. The research topic will be on an emerging
area of interest to an organization or the research community. In this
project, teams will conduct research to assist in the determination of the
solution to the research problem. They will demonstrate their knowledge and
understanding of how research is conducted and the significance of the
problem solution. The project grade to individual students within a team will
be based upon their personal involvement and level of participation in the
project as determined by their teammates and the professor. |
Web support: This course
may be supported with most or all of the following Blackboard postings:
lesson questions, lessons (MS PowerPoint), instructions and guidelines
pertaining to the course, operating system and architecture related news,
team and class discussions boards, correspondence about the course, homework
solutions, examination grades, and miscellaneous course related information
and activities. |
Supplementary materials: Handouts in
class or web postings of current events and issues affecting information
security and risk analysis/assessment.
Some books that may be helpful to the course will be posted on
Blackboard. |
In class activity and participation: Students are encouraged to bring to class articles on current newsworthy events in information security, risk analysis/assessment and management and related news to share with the class. Students are welcome to inform the class on these events and their significance to operating system and architecture. |
Students are strongly encouraged to download
relevant posted lessons from Blackboard and review them. They are encouraged
to ask questions about these lessons in class. Effort may be made to present some lessons using the
storytelling format supported with subsequent discussion and elaboration on
the central themes of the respective lessons. The key elements of a story are the following:
causality, conflict, complication, and character. |
Collaborative teams are designed to function outside
of the classroom. Collaborative team activities will be reinforced inside the
class during the lessons. Teams are encouraged to function cohesively and to
participate in all class activities.
The following excerpts about collaborative learning
are from research documents:
In the university
environment, educational success and
social adjustments depend primarily on
the availability and effectiveness of developmental academic support systems.
Most organized learning occurs in some kind of team team characteristics
and team processes significantly contribute to success or failure in the
classroom and directly [affect] the quality and quantity of learning within the
Team work invariably produces tensions that are
normally absent, unnoticed, or suppressed in traditional classes. Students bring with them a variety of
personality types, cognitive styles, expectations about their own role in the
classroom and their relationship to the teacher, peers, and the subject matter
of the course.
learning involves both management and decision-making skills to choose among
competing needs. The problems
encountered with collaboration have management, political, competence, and
ethical dimensions
The two key underlying principles of the collaborative
pedagogy are that active student involvement is a more powerful learning tool
than the passive attendance and that students working in teams can make for
more effective learning than students acting alone. The favorable
outcomes of collaborative learning include greater conceptual understanding, a
heightened ability to apply concepts, and improved attendance. Moreover, students become responsible for their own learning is likely to
increase their skills for coping with ambiguity, uncertainty, and continuous
change, all of which are characteristics of contemporary organizations.
Who creates a new activity in the face of risk and
uncertainty for the purpose of achieving success and growth by identifying
opportunities and putting together the required resources to benefit from them?
Creativity is
the ability to develop new ideas and
to discover new ways to of looking at problems and opportunities
Innovation is
the ability to apply creative solutions to those problems and opportunities to
enhance or to enrich people’s lives.
Each team may be viewed as a small business that is
seeking creative and innovative ways to maximize its product, academic
outcomes or average team grade. A satisfactory product is the break-even team
average grade of 85%. Teams getting average grades of above 85% are
profitable enterprises. |
Pace University
Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information
Information and Policies
on Student Class Behavior
in a class is the responsibility of the student. The student must attend class,
complete assignments, take tests, and seek help when needed. It is the job of
the professor to guide the learning process through lectures, assignments, and
evaluation of student work. But learning cannot occur without the active
participation of the student both in and outside of class. In class, students are
expected to talk and participate when it is appropriate to do so and to be
respectful to faculty and fellow students, when they are speaking or working.
In addition, students are expected to turn off their cell phones and beepers
prior to the start of the class.
who disrupt class or who prevent others from participating in classroom
activities may be subject to removal from class and other University
disciplinary action.
for Students with Disabilities Who Wish to Obtain Accommodations for a Course
with disabilities who wish to obtain an accommodation or auxiliary aid for a
course or program at the University, must contact the University’s
Counseling/Personal Development Office. In New York, call x11526. In
Pleasantville and White Plains, call x33710. Trained professional counselors
a student's medical documentation; conduct appropriate tests or refer the
student for same; make recommendations for a plan of accommodation; and contact
professors and pertinent administrators (with the student’s permission) to
arrange for the recommended accommodations.
are not authorized to provide accommodations or aids prior to a student’s
arranging for same through the Counseling/Personal Development Center.
Professors are not authorized to contact the Counseling/Personal Development
Center on a student’s behalf. Students must contact the Counseling/Personal
Development Center directly in order for the University to be placed on notice
of a request for accommodation. In order to insure that the Counseling/Personal
Center has sufficient time to process student requests, students should contact
the Center at the earliest possible time, in advance of the need for the
accommodation, preferably before the semester begins. For more information
consult the Counseling
Services Web site.
this procedure will ensure timely and efficient handling of requests for
accommodation or auxiliary aids.
for Students Who will be Absent for an Extended Time
who are ill or will be out for an extended amount of time are responsible for
contacting each of their professors and for making up all work that is
missed. Students are also urged to notify the Dean's Office of all
extended absences.
for Incomplete Work and Receiving a Grade of “I”
are responsible for completing and submitting all course work by the deadlines
indicated by the instructor. It is at the discretion of the instructor to
assign a grade of “I” to a student who, for documented reasons, cannot complete
the required course work prior to the end of the term. The instructor determines
the amount of time allotted to complete the course work, up to a maximum of six
should be noted that receiving a grade of “I” might affect a student’s
financial aid package and/or graduation status.
Regarding Academic Integrity of the School of CSIS
must accept the responsibility to be honest and to respect ethical standards in
meeting their academic requirements. Integrity in the academic life requires
that students demonstrate intellectual and academic achievement independent of
all assistance except that authorized by the instructor. The following
constitute academic dishonesty. The list
is not necessarily inclusive.
a. Exams
Copying from
another student's exam.
allowing other students to see and copy from your exam.
Using notes or
calculators without permission from the professor or proctor.
Passing notes or
calculators to other students without permission.
b. Papers and projects
Using others’
writing without proper reference.
Copying code or
work from other students outside a team environment. This could be either from
printouts and notes or from electronic media. This includes copying the
structure of a program while changing cosmetic details such as identifiers and
allowing other students to copy your code or work, again either from printouts,
notes or from electronic media. (This does not preclude a student “helping”
another on a project as long as it is limited to giving information/hints and
not code/solutions.)
Submitting a
paper, program, or project that was done by someone else.
with one or more other students without the prior permission of the instructor.
following consequences will be affected:
a. The first student offense may result, at the
discretion of the instructor, in penalties including a zero on the offending
course work or an F for the offending course.
b. The second student offense in any course may result in
an F for the offending course.
c. The third student offense in any course may result in
dismissal from the University.
d. The Dean's office shall keep a student record of all
student offenses occurring in courses offered by the School of CSIS including
the first offense. This record will be destroyed when the student graduates
from the University. The record will be associated with the student and not
with any particular course.
Procedures for determining an offense.
following procedures will be used:
a. If the student admits to the offense, the appropriate
penalty shall be enforced.
b. If the student contests the charge, the Chair of the
department in which the course was offered will make a decision as to the facts
of the case. If the professor is also the Chair, this step could be skipped.
c. If the student disagrees with the Chair's decision, he
or she may request a hearing from the Undergraduate or Graduate
Scholastic Standing Committee, depending upon the student's status. The
Committee shall make a recommendation to the Dean concerning the facts of the
d. Both the professor and the student may submit to the
Committee relevant information in writing. The professor and/or the student
also may appear before the committee, but usually not concurrently. No others
may attend the Committee hearing, but the Committee may also consider the
written statement of witnesses and other concerned persons.
e. The decision of the Dean shall be final.
f. A confirmed student offense shall be entered into the
student’s record in the Dean’s office.
The university disabilities statement must be added to all syllabi:
Procedure for students with disabilities who wish to obtain reasonable accommodations for a course:
The University's commitment to equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities includes providing reasonable accommodations for the needs of students with disabilities. To request an a reasonable accommodation for a qualified disability a student with a disability must self-identify and register with the Office of Disability Services for his or her campus. No one, including faculty, is authorized to evaluate the need for or grant a request for an accommodation except the Office of Disability Services. Moreover, no one, including faculty, is authorized to contact the Office of Disability Services on behalf of a student. For further information, please see Resources for Students with Disabilities at